Tuesday, March 22, 2011

TELL ME.....

...about your favorite book in the Bible.... why? It may change and it may be hard to pick one but what was your first thought?

My favorite book in the bible is Luke, which is why we named our son Luke. I love the way it is written and I love the lessons we learn. It is where we read from on Christmas Eve and it is where we read from on Easter Sunday. Its a very important part of family tradition in our life. I also love Proverbs - especially as a wife and a mother. There is no better place to find wisdom from the Lord!

Tell me what book speaks to you and why!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is hard! I have three that come to mind: Matthew, Romans and Genesis. Matthew has so many great lessons that we (or at least I) can never hear enough. Romans is intense and deep but keeps me humble. And then I am sure you are surprised with my having Genesis on my "favorite list." Besides all the "bible stories" we were taught when we were young, I actually had not studied Genesis until BSF (never thought to) and from BSF I learned that there is so much meat in it. I love the Old Testament! And now I have to admit that Revelations is an easy 4th on my list. ;-)
